6 Wedding Games You Have To Have At Your Reception
I only had a couple of games at my Wedding Reception and I regret not having more! They were so much fun and everyone enjoyed them! If you have a line Reception it may be a little harder to incorporate these games into your special day but there may be a few that should still work.
You should always consider what type of guests you invited before you decide what games work best for your day. For example, if you do a few dance games but you don’t have a lot of young outgoing guests it might be hard to get people into the game. But at the end of the day, it is you and your husband’s day. So make it personal and customizable to you.

I am going to introduce the game and then explain how to play.
1. The Shoe Game
The Shoe Game is the most common Wedding game. It is a super fun “who is” game. You can have your MC facilitate the Game and explain it to the audience as you and your spouse get ready for the game. This is also a great opportunity to finally get out of those heels for a little break!

How to play
Step 1
The Bride & Groom sit back to back on chairs
Step 2
The Bride & Groom take off their shoes and give one of their own to their partner. They should have one of each of their shoes. (Some people use Barbie or Ken dolls instead-but up to you)
Step 3
The announcer then reads out one question at a time and the Bride & Groom will lift up whom ever’s shoe they think fits the question best.
MC: “Who is Messier”
*Bride & Groom raise whomever’s shoe they think is messier*
The MC will then ask another question.

Download the PDF for the Shoe Game Here v v v
2. The Hand Game
The Hand Game is a really funny game where you get to figure out how well you actually know your partner (physically). This game takes a few volunteers from the audience and gets everyone every involved.
How to Play
Step 1
Blindfold the Groom (or Bride)
Step 2
Choose a handful of volunteers from the audience. The more diverse the funnier it gets. For example, Young, Old, Harry, or Small. You can choose as many as you want but I would suggest about 10 volunteers.
Step 3
Every volunteer places their left hand out in a line
Step 4
The Groom (or Bride) then has to guess what hand is their spouses.
This game is super fun because when they finally choose who they think is their spouse it’s either super funny or super romantic.
3. Find The Guest Wedding BINGO!
This Wedding game is super great for letting guests get to know each other and socialize more. Especially when the 2 families barely know each other this gives them more reason to talk to each other.
I think we all know how to play Bingo so I shouldn’t have to explain it too much.
Who ever is the winner gets a prize and you get to decide what that prize is!

Download the Printable Version Here v v v
4. Freeze Dance
This is a classic and a super fun game to get people dancing. It is also great to get people in the audience to get up and join the party. Hopefully, you should already know how to play this but if not here are some instructions for you:
How to Play
Step 1
We are going to do exactly what Rihanna told us not to do and:
Stop the music
Step 2
Everyone has to stop dancing and Freeze in their spot and not move at all.
Step 3
Whoever is last to Freeze or moves before the music starts again is Kicked out of the Game.
Last person standing wins!
5. Princess, Knight, & Horse
This is a super fun dancing game that gets more people in the audience to get up and dance. It is super easy to play and super fun to watch as well. It is similar to Freeze Dance although this game requires people to pair up.
Step 1
Get everyone to pair up. Preferably Boy & Girls but it doesn’t really matter.
Step 2
Stop the Music randomly and get the MC to yell out either “Princes“, “Knight“ or “Horse“
Step 3
If the MC yells out “Princess” the Women (or a partner) must jump into the guy’s arms and he has to hold her there until the music starts again.
If the MC yells out “Prince” then the Man must kneel on one knee and the Woman must sit on his knee until the music starts again.
If the MC yells out “Horse” then the girl must piggyback the guy until the music starts again. ( you may have to adjust this one because some people in dresses can’t do a piggyback so they might have to be the horse in this case)
Step 4
Whichever couple is last to complete the task gets kicked out of the game. This continues until there is only one couple remaining.
The last couple remaining Wins the Game.
6. Sixes
This Game is for large groups of people but can be adjusted for smaller groups. It can help be a little ice breaker for those who are a little scared to socialize. Sixes is also a dance game and is again very similar to Freeze Dance.
How to Play
Step 1
Play the music and stop suddenly.
Step 2
The MC will then call out a number between 1-6
Step 3
The dancers will then need to pair up with how ever many people the MC called out
For example, The MC calls out 5 then everyone would need to team up and make a group of 5
Step 4
If someone is unable to join a group of the number called or if a group is one more or one less than the number announced. They are then kicked out of the game.
This continues until there are 3 left.
The last 2 are the Winners!
Weddings are Expensive, so check out my blog post on 25 Unique Ways You Can Save Money On Your Wedding. You won’t regret it!

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