Question To Ask Your Partner Before You Get Married
Marriage is such an amazing and sacred thing and because of that, it is important to make sure you marry the right partner. Marriage is definitely not something anyone should rush into so hopefully these questions help you prepare to get married.
Before you get married you should talk about literally EVERYTHING. There should be no secrets or gut feelings you have ignored. Discussing everything and anything you can beforehand to strengthen your marriage and make things easier when times get tough, and they will eventually get tough.
Although at the end of the day, it is your choice on who you marry and why, so proceed with caution and take what I have to say with a grain of salt.
100 Questions To Ask Your Partner Before Getting Married
I would definitely suggest asking these before you even get engaged but either or work!
- Do you have any debt?
- Why do you want to get married?
- How do you fight?
- How will we work through our fights?
- Are you willing to swallow your pride?
- What does your family think of me?
- How often will we see our families?
- Do you like my family?
- Where do you want to end up?
- What are deal breakers for you?
- What are your pet peeves?
- How neat/ tidy are you?
- How are we going to do clean-up?
- What traditions do you want to do with our family?
- What are your beliefs?
- Are you good with money?
- What is your stance on politics?
- Who is going to decorate the house?
- How many pets do you want?
- What type of pets are you okay with?
- How much education do you want?
- What are your life goals?
- What are your priorities?
- Do you want kids?
- How many kids do you want?
- How picky are you with baby names?
- How are we going to do finances?
- How are we going to budget?
- What is your sex drive like?
- How often will you want sex?
- What are your sexual preferences?
- How many people have you dated before me?
- What do you want in a partner?
- What qualities do you need in a partner?
- How many sexual partners have you had before me?
- What is the farthest you have gone sexually?
- Are you genuinely attracted to me?
- What is your favorite thing about me?
- Do you have any food allergies or intolerances?
- What foods do you not like?
- Who is going to cook?
- Can you cook?
- How much alone time do you need?
- How often are we going to go on vacation?
- How often do you want to go on date nights?
- Do you want to live near family?
- Where are you willing to move?
- If there is a better job opportunity are you willing to move?
- What is important to you?
- Do you like to relax on vacation or do a lot of activities on vacation?
- What type of vacations do you like?
- What happens if I get fat?
- What happens if you get fat?
- What happens if we fall out of love?
- Are there any friends you don’t like?
- How often are we going to see our friends?
- Are you a risk-taker/ are you willing to take risks?
- What happens if we have a honeymoon baby?
- What happens if we have twins?
- What type of birth control are we comfortable using?
- What happens if we have a baby with disabilities?
- What happens if one of us gets handicapped?
- Are you embarrassed by me?
- Do you love me or the idea of me?
- If I change are you still going to love me?
- Why would you ever get a divorce?
- Do you have any secrets you haven’t told me yet?
- What is your gut saying?
- Do you feel good about getting married?
- Have you prayed about it?
- Have you struggled with mental health?
- Does your family struggle with mental health?
- Are there any health problems that run in your family?
- What is your love language?
- Would you let me go through your phone?
- Do you think it’s appropriate to have friends of the opposite gender?
- Are you willing to go to counseling if we are having problems?
- Should we get a prenup?
- Do you look at pornography?
- Do you drink alcohol? How much is too much?
- Do you have a criminal record?
- Do you take prescriptions I don’t know about?
- Are you prone to addiction? Are you addicted to something I don’t know about?
- What do we do if one of us gets addicted to something?
- If someone asks for money what do you we do?
- What is our retirement plan?
- How would you feel if I didn’t groom myself for a few days? (shaving, makeup, etc…)
- How much alone time do you need?
- How would you like to be comforted when sad?
- How much does my appearance affect your feelings towards me?
- Do you think it is appropriate to have friends of the opposite gender?
- How often should we go on date nights?
- How often should we hang out with our friends?
- How much of our life should we not share with family/ friends?
- Do you have any deal breakers? (not acceptable things/behavior)
- How should we handle our money?
- Where do you want to be in 10 years?
- What happens if one of us gets mentally or physically disabled?
- If things ever got bad, would you be willing to go to couples therapy?
- What happens if one of us is infertile? Adoption? Surrogate? IVF?
I hope these questions help you determine if marriage is the right path for your relationship and help you through some hard questions that will hopefully make things easier in the future!
If you think I missed any questions that are essential to ask before you get engaged/ married comment down below and let me know so I can add them to the list!
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